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When the image of your meeting room reflects the high standards of your business, select Meeting Plus. Blending contemporary design with uncompromising durability, Meeting PlusÍ style and construction will adhere to your meeting and training environments. 16-gauge steel frames and high-pressure laminate work-surfaces connect easily using threaded steel inserts making installation a snap. A selection of four shapes in multiple sizes lets you set up and reconfigure your meeting and training rooms in several configurations. Meeting Plus tables have been redesigned to include two new important features: Cable management and mobility.

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Clarus GlassBoard Modular Electric Power - Starter Cable
Table Top Power Kit - Single Circuit - Interconnect Cable Kit
List Price: $447.00
Our Price: $219.94
Sale Price: $219.94
You save $227.06!
Clarus Glass White Boards provide a visually striking design element to workspaces ranging from conference rooms to executive offices. Their non-staining writing surface delivers a rich and vibrant backdrop ideal for that critical presentation. This Plug-N-Ppwer modular electric power component allows you to easily interconnect tables in conference meeting rooms, training centers and classroom environments.
Modular Electric Power - Starter Cable Clarus GlassBoard
Table Top Power Kit - Single Circuit 72" Plug-In Electric Cable Starter
List Price: $332.00
Our Price: $179.98
Sale Price: $179.98
You save $152.02!
This Plug-N-Ppwer modular electric power component allows you to easily interconnect tables in conference meeting rooms, training centers and classroom environments. Clarus Glass White Boards provide a visually striking design element to workspaces ranging from conference rooms to executive offices. Their non-staining writing surface delivers a rich and vibrant backdrop ideal for that critical presentation.
Clarus GlassBoard Clarus GlassBoard
Clarus Glass White Boards provide a visually striking design element to workspaces ranging from conference rooms to executive offices. Their non-staining writing surface delivers a rich and vibrant backdrop ideal for that critical presentation. Clarus Glass White Boards provide a visually striking design element to workspaces ranging from conference rooms to executive offices. Their non-staining writing surface delivers a rich and vibrant backdrop ideal for that critical presentation.